Asian Food and Drug Administration
An Iranian pharmaceutical company’s suggestion to governmental Ministries of Health and Medical Education and Foreign Affairs
The establishment of “Asian Food and Drug Administration”
A united Iran, Russia and China membership
TEHRAN (Fars Health and Fitness News) – Dr. Ruhollah Husseini, an Iranian Pharmaceutical Holdings’ CEO and Medical & Pharmaceutical Events Analyst underlined that some high-handed and dictatorial dos and don’ts have been followed as demanding obligations (which can be rather self-seeking) and accepted as unquestionable regulations by blissfully ignorant and servile ones in the world. He added “to keep away from such impeding regulations, it is of paramount importance to establish a well oriented Asian Drug and Food Administration. Therefore, a science-based, non-beneficiary, and mutually accepted administration would grant a license or approve a product by national companies in the most proper and standard ways ”.
He questioned the established ascendancy of a deputy in US Department of Health and Human Services over other international agencies. Dr. Husseini expressed that “according to the US National Statistics, there are approximately 3,500,000 people employed and working in the US pharmaceutical industry. The National Statistics officially states that just 6 leading American pharmaceutical companies have staked in 40 percent of the world’s pharmaceutical market and such a huge market share paved their way for manufacturing an overwhelming flow of pharmaceutical products equal to 365 billion US dollars in 2014.
He used the source statistics to conclude that, “all the astronomical wealth building business concerns and transactions of such companies which have the corner of world market are being administered by the US Food and Drug Administration. By extension, it can be an exclusionist or exclusivist US (FDA) business favoring US pharmaceutical cartels”.
Dr. Husseini got on to ask the News Reporter the questions as” Is there a governmental agency to ignore the interests of its people in favor of other nations’? Why should world’s pharmaceutical manufacturers join the queue for receiving approval from FDA? Are they obliged to pay tribute to acknowledge its discriminatory, prejudiced, and self-seeking policies?”
“The invitation of senior officials from both Russian and Chinese Ministries of Health and Education and Foreign Affairs can be a reasonable step forward to establish a well-oriented Asian Drug and Food Administration. The operating rules and regulations of such a supervisory and science-based administration can be set by holding revisory seminars and sessions.” Then he added, “The pathological study of such a worldwide submission to the wills of the US Department of Health is a preparation to win independence and more importantly, to find out which unfair agreement has led to such seemingly unquestionable stand of FDA and deplorable commitment to its ascendancy”.
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